why & how

What do I mean by saying that a man is treated as a boy? I mean that he is told, the moment he arrives, that his secret dream of greatness is a pipe-dream; that it will be a long time before he makes a significant, personal contributionโ€”if ever.

He is told this not with words. He is told this in a much more convincing way. He is shown, in everything that happens to him, that nobody could dream that he could make a significant, personal contribution. [โ€ฆ]

I believe each incoming freshman must be started at once on his own research project if we are to preserve his secret dream of greatness and make it come true.

  • Is it hard for them?
  • Does it matter to them?
  • Does it have a real audience?
  • Does it engage powerful ideas?
  • Does it exhibit and reward taste?

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Alec Resnick